How old is William Kennedy Smith? When is William Kennedy Smith's birthday? Where is William Kennedy Smith born? Where did William Kennedy Smith grow up from? What's William Kennedy Smith's age?

William Kennedy Smith Born: September 4, 1960 (age 62years), Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Is William Kennedy Smith married? When did William Kennedy Smith get married? Who's William Kennedy Smith's married to? (Who's William Kennedy Smith's husband / wife)?

William Kennedy Smith Spouse: Anne Henry (m. 2011)

How about William Kennedy Smith's parents?

William Kennedy Smith Parents: Jean Kennedy Smith, Stephen Edward Smith

How about William Kennedy Smith's sibling?

William Kennedy Smith Sibling: Stephen Edward Smith Jr., Kym Maria Smith, Amanda Mary Smith

Does William Kennedy Smith have any children? What are the names of William Kennedy Smith's children? What are the ages of William Kennedy Smith's children?

William Kennedy Smith Children: India Rose Smith

How about William Kennedy Smith's great grandparent?

William Kennedy Smith Great grandparent: Patrick J. Kennedy, Mary Augusta Hickey Kennedy, John Francis Fitzgerald, Mary Josephine Hannon

How old is Jean Kennedy Smith?

Smith died at her home in Manhattan on June 17, 2020, at the age of 92; she was the last surviving, and the longest-lived, of the nine Kennedy children.
