How old is Uncle Kracker? When is Uncle Kracker's birthday? Where is Uncle Kracker born? Where did Uncle Kracker grow up from? What's Uncle Kracker's age?

Uncle Kracker Born: 1974 (age 49years), Mount Clemens, MI

Is Uncle Kracker married? When did Uncle Kracker get married? Who's Uncle Kracker's married to? (Who's Uncle Kracker's husband / wife)?

Uncle Kracker Spouse: Melanie Haas (m. 19982014)

How about Uncle Kracker's full name?

Uncle Kracker Full name: Matthew Shafer

How about Uncle Kracker's group?

Uncle Kracker Group: Kid Rock & The Twisted Brown Trucker Band (1994 2002)

How about Uncle Kracker's nationality?

Uncle Kracker Nationality: American

Why does he call himself Uncle Kracker?

This artist has never performed at The Vogue.

He met Kid Rock in 1987, and Rock asked Kracker to become his DJ. Kracker did not know how to work the turntables, but he soon learned how to, and he became a long-term friend and colleague of Rock. Kracker worked with Kid Rock until he became a solo artist in 2000.

What is Uncle Kracker doing these days?

This artist has never performed at The Vogue.

He met Kid Rock in 1987, and Rock asked Kracker to become his DJ. Kracker did not know how to work the turntables, but he soon learned how to, and he became a long-term friend and colleague of Rock. Kracker worked with Kid Rock until he became a solo artist in 2000.

How much money is Uncle Kracker worth?

This artist has never performed at The Vogue.

He met Kid Rock in 1987, and Rock asked Kracker to become his DJ. Kracker did not know how to work the turntables, but he soon learned how to, and he became a long-term friend and colleague of Rock. Kracker worked with Kid Rock until he became a solo artist in 2000.

Did Uncle Kracker start with Kid Rock?

This artist has never performed at The Vogue.

He met Kid Rock in 1987, and Rock asked Kracker to become his DJ. Kracker did not know how to work the turntables, but he soon learned how to, and he became a long-term friend and colleague of Rock. Kracker worked with Kid Rock until he became a solo artist in 2000.
