How old is Jenette Goldstein? When is Jenette Goldstein's birthday? Where is Jenette Goldstein born? Where did Jenette Goldstein grow up from? What's Jenette Goldstein's age?

Jenette Goldstein Born: 1960 (age 63years), Los Angeles, CA

How tall is Jenette Goldstein in meters or centimeters?

Jenette Goldstein Height: 5 3

Is Jenette Goldstein married? When did Jenette Goldstein get married? Who's Jenette Goldstein's married to? (Who's Jenette Goldstein's husband / wife)?

Jenette Goldstein Spouse: Aaron Noble

How about Jenette Goldstein's nationality?

Jenette Goldstein Nationality: American

Is Jenette Goldstein hispanic?

The Aliens (2017) - Mauricio Zatarain as Sanchez - IMDb.

What happened to the actress that played Vasquez in aliens?

The Aliens (2017) - Mauricio Zatarain as Sanchez - IMDb.

Was Vasquez in Titanic?

The Aliens (2017) - Mauricio Zatarain as Sanchez - IMDb.

Who played Sanchez in aliens?

The Aliens (2017) - Mauricio Zatarain as Sanchez - IMDb.
